Archives de catégorie : SEO

Choose keywords that convert

If you have already worked on the optimization of keywords, you already had to be confronted in these key words top that channel lot of organic on your site traffic news, but that ultimately increases your bounce rate and lowers your conversion rate:


The keywords that people are using to can be misleading. To explain the idea, I offer to use an example. Imagine I am exhausted, very tired by the analysis of the data of my clients and I need to take several weeks of leave. I just wish lie me in the Sun, feel the warmth of the sand, sipping a mojito and relax me. As often happens, a friend has just returned from the Mexico and said that the beaches are amazing. Then, I go to Google and tape «beaches of the Mexico.» As you can imagine, I have a large number of results. They seem to all submit the same, then I click on the first link. In your opinion, I stumble upon what? I arrive on a page with a horrible resort south of Cancun. I am disappointed and leaves the news website immediately. Is it so what happened? Google has done its job. The SEO of the pages of the hotel manager has done a very good job. But me, I did not have what I wanted.

Optimize your keywords for readers.

When we optimize, we optimize for two audiences… bots (spiders) from search engines and readers. If we do our jobs well, we write in a way to satisfy the two targets. However, that we have bots to consider, we adopt an approach quite « left hemisphere ». Bots are very logical, and individuals can be logical too… so that makes sense. But if you have some to visualize with the sale, you know that in most cases, individuals eat as much through the heart with the reason.

Think about the reader who does not know to make a Google query…

Let me take back you to la Google search. I typed « the Mexico beaches. » But this is not very I wanted. If I had typed in a sentence that was faithful to what I wanted, I would have typed: « I’m tired and I want a warm place with white sandy beaches on which I can lie down to relax. » Well, after trying and I have no result. (This is not the way how to work with search engines, as a regular user, I know. so even I have an emotional need to meet, when I use a search engine, I do a pre-filtering in my vision of things, the fact that I have an idea of the functioning of the search engine.) And I know I have to feed Google with several details to get a more relevant results. An editor for search engine should perform? I think there are a number of things you can do to optimize the SEO.

Create up to landing pages

Do not compile «hotels Cancun», «Mexico beach hotels», «beaches mexico» and « beach hotels » on the same landing page.Consider each word with care. Understand that he could eat a significant difference in the needs of a reader who types « beaches Mexico » as opposed to the « Cancun hotels. In this case, there are several quiet beaches fairly near Cancun. You can every time for this client. But previously need to bring you answers to the main needs that he or she truly – a place to relax. Then sell him the hotel room which is only a short ride by bicycle, bus or taxi.

Forget search engines robots

Individuals are not the bots. They do not follow logical paths. They don’t think, « Hm, this page is very relevant to the keyword that I just entered, and ces-last did a good job to capture my interest in repeating my keyword in the title of the page. ». No doubt, I will immediately book a room in the charming CroCabanBeach Hotel. « Individuals do not buy with their head. They eat with their hearts.In any case, this is how it starts. We see some, our hearts announced, »I want it! « And then we use reason to persuade us that it is a good idea and it is reasonable.

Write like an advertising.

Then, when you build a landing page for individuals like me who have typed « beach hotels », does not begin with a message like: several minutes from the Hotel CroCabanBeach, this range provides sailing, windsurfing and scuba diving from 9 am 30 to 16 h 30.Except for the bots, and the section « More information » page. If you intend to apply to the emotions, write something like: imagine the warm sand between your toes, a cool breeze going sea offshore, and the heat of the tropical sun on your skin. The best of, imagine leaving your offers and your such port locked in your hotel safe. It seems you not a bit too soft and cutesy? Maybe it sounds one you’re too cynical-marketing mode. « This is basically the kind of message that encourages individuals to say: ‘ Yes! « First of all, you arrive in their hearts. Then, you give them a quantity of ces-latest information need to be putting their agreement reason.

To finish

Optimize the text of the pages of your site with news for the major search engines is a very demanding skill. So far, much effort was devoted to the development of text to charm the bots from the search engines with the aim that they us index at the top of SERP.And it is excellent. However, I think that it grows enough efforts to optimize the text for answers you to the comprehension of the human aspect. I believe that the highest conversion rates are met as soon as the authors SEO have understood how to write to bring you answers to the emotional needs of the reader, as well as the logical needs of Search bots. To appeal to readers as emotional, there are several obstacles to overcome. First of all, you must understand that the researchers préfiltrent search terms.They do not type: « I would like to make a little more money, perhaps part-time at home, but I’m a little scared and have no idea where to start. » They taperaient something like « opportunity to work with you. ‘A skill that we need to build is to better understand the emotional scope of need through search expressions. When we understand it better, we will be able to create landing pages that better meet the needs of the more emotional. Secondly, authors SEO need to realize that the biggest asked on for any decision to purchase is emotional, not rational. During the final years, a lot of progress has been made on the way of design SEO pages, the next challenge is to increase all of our conversion rates by creating pages that meet the actual expectations of all of our readers, by seeking to communicate the right information to the right individuals at the right time.


Filter penguin 3.0: first analyses

It’s official: John Mueller (webmaster trends analyst at Google) has announced that Penguin 3 development was completed. This filter, which fight against the low quality backlinks, launched (without official communication) by Google this weekend, more than a year after its previous version.

Few details have leaked. What is ‘a simple model’ update of the filter or a genuine rewritten version? And will it be launched more generally now? Impact it already sites orgnique traffic ? We’ll know more in the coming days, with a statement of its impact on the world and francophone Web sites.

News of the Google Penguin 3.0 filter:

According to some sources, Google would target in detail the sites receiving backlinks of content has virtually no social interactionsignificant or from a network of sites or seemingly still exist for the sole purpose of selling links.

Google considering that all those who monetize their websites or blogs selling links from their sites are probably owners of a network of blogs that they use to achieve their goals in the pages of results from Google.

Penguin 3 really allows Google to gain in efficiency to detect an automated way unnatural links to penalize. Although it is not clear (without an official announcement) if it is a refresh or a real update.

Observers suggesting that Google Penguin 3.0 could therefore act as a manual action and penalize completely any target internet site. Where Google commitment to run regularly for not to penalise lasting websites devoted (I invite you to read this study on google penguin and are deploying 18/10 ).

The good news?

Some sites impacted now more than a year ago may end their penalties if the Cleanup job was well done. A penalty Penguin cannot be lifted during a refresh or a next update. And, keeping in mind that this penalty acts in the same way that a Manual Google penalty. The only difference that you will not have to send request for reconsideration to Google.


Referencing his blog for an optimal organic traffic

SEO is a profession and a science complex, but there are several methods that were proven and that will quickly make you reach first items on Google!

But first, a quick reminder: the referencing is used to make appear the articles from your site in the results of search engines(Google, Bing, Yahoo…). More your blog is well placed, that is to say in the first results, better you are referenced. You therefore receive more visitors, and earn more money.

To reference his blog, there are 2 alternatives. The first is to appeal a facility of SEO with SEO (Search Engine Optimization)professionals, who will charge you a small fortune for a work that you can not directly check, given that you are not a specialist. The second alternative is to follow these simple steps to set up that will have almost immediate results on your SEO.

The technical On-page optimization

This is the step most classic and the more prompt to reference his blog. The advantage is that you won’t have to do it only once.Then your blog will be optimized for SEO and Google will index your article and your articles more quickly.

Install the plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast

The plug-in is already preconfigured and will automatically optimize your blog for SEO, including creating a sitemap, your blog plan to assist Google to understand the hierarchy of your blog and index articles. If you are not sure in SEO, I recommend you change the default settings.

Optimize links

The last optimization is very classical. We will change your links to integrate the text of your articles inside. We can know that among the many criteria for Google to rank your blog, it has the contents of your URL. So we can make sure to put important keywords ifwell to reference his blog.

To be assured that your URLs are optimized for WordPress, go to ‘Settings’, ‘Permalinks’ and check the box « name of article ». If this box was already checked by default, you have nothing to do!

Finally, be aware that you can manually change the URL of each article by clicking on « Edit » in the URL beneath the title of the article, when you edit it. Take the opportunity to remove the linking words (‘for’, ‘from’, ‘to’, etc.) which are worthless.

Editorial on-page optimization

You can adopt all the tricks of the universe to reference your blog, it will be useless if you do not publish regularly of quality content.Google has over the years developed a now complex algorithm whose main purpose is to highlight sites that offer content… quality!

Regularly publish articles

The first Council may seem obvious, and yet it is not to every time easy to comply with. Be rigorous! Publish regularly and preferably long articles. Once from time to time, publish an article, longer than others and good quality. Give you trouble and Google will make you. If you blog about your passion, this game should not be a torture, and you’ll see, over time, you will earn in editorial talent and you take to write.

Use relevant keywords

Position yourself on specific keywords. Let me explain: If you want to reference your blog and above all your articles on Google, will have to choose on which keywords bring your efforts. What sentence typed on the search engine will make back your blog first?

Make a list of the main keywords that will be associated with your blog. Of course, more the keyword will be general over it will be difficult for your blog stand out. Choose more targeted keywords. To achieve both much searched on Google and little used by your competitors keywords, I recommend the Google keywords tool. To track the effectiveness of your keywords, use Google Webmaster Tools.

Optimize your internal mesh

Once your keywords are chosen, it’ll associate them with your blog and your articles for booster your SEO. For that, there are links and anchors. A link is a clickable text that takes the user to another page. The anchor is the title of the text, which has the ability to be different from the URL. Google takes into account the anchors, so it’s important to associate good anchors to the right URL.

To update links that will reference your article, it 2 solutions: the internal mesh and backlinks. Let’s see first how to optimize your mesh internal. The internal mesh consists of your blog links that point to your own content. That is, the links in your articles that point to other of your articles. More content will be linked together, better you will be referenced.

Write constructive articles

Remember to make your live items for the player. Add photos, videos, space your text, put the important terms in bold, adopt tags title 1, title 2… It will be more sympathetic to the reader, and for Google!

Write quality articles

One last thing to reference his blog that should be common sense: write interesting and quality articles. If Google continues to regularly updating its algorithm, it is to avoid the phenomena of SEO automatic or paid and whenever preferred human and quality content. An interesting article will generate more sharing, more links, more comments… Only pleasant things for SEO of your blog!


The sculpting keyword

In this article, I mainly talk about density of keywords, but be careful: nothing to do with the ancestral methods of keyword stuffing and other absurdities that the web could see… No, today we will talk of pure SEO in respect of standards, the user and the algorithm!


Densité de mots clés

The density of keywords in 2014

As before and in order to be relevant, search engines still attach great importance to key words present in the pages and use logically qualify them. However today, engines are sensitive to the repetitions of key words and other improbable techniques in order to play on the density of keywords… How to talk about density of keywords and especially keyword sculpting, knowing that it is something impossible today with techniques then have it know?

The standards!

Short, simple and effective answer: standards are there to enable us to optimize this keyword density to acquire still more of organic traffic.

‘ Eh: but what standards?  »

«Baby the HTML and CSS course!»

The basic semantic markup

There are today on the majority of sites of enormous problems of semantic markup, but there are two fully serving their positioning:

Tags (h1, h2 etc) levels and highlighting (strong, b, em etc.) tags used in a graphic goal… what good? Deploy these tags surpondérées in the algorithms of the search engines on keywords useful for referencing pages and manage the graphic aspect in CSS…

Yeah but where is the keyword scuplting then?

Need to return to basics in order to develop this part: now that our web pages use level tags and highlighting in a coherent way, particularly on the keywords to optimize (traffic generators), push to the extreme this ‘keyword’ vision: why not neutralize totally keywords unnecessary to our SEO and who in a sense make noise?

« Neutralizing them?  »

Not exactly: in fact if we follow the logic of the standards and the basics of SEO, because these words are used for illustrative or accompanying information: it would be normal to put them in the CSS (after all: this is its function!)

The CSS would be our key to make the keyword sculpting and optimized our keyword density?

Not really… In fact the CSS will allow us to remove noise of the occurrences of unnecessary words in our SEO (texts of illustration, outrageously repeated texts etc.) to let engines only discover the content and the important keywords for the qualification of our landing pages and thus gain in reactivity in the results of search on these terms.

But then how to put these useless texts to my SEO in CSS?

Thanks to the super property ‘content’ CSS and selectors CSS « before » and « after »!


You do not notice anything? Then select the line above! Still nothing? Look at the source code! Only the word « SEO » is apparent 😉

The HTML code:

< span class = ‘seo’ > </span > SEO

The CSS code:
#seo::before {content: ‘ example: ‘ ;}}
#seo::after {content: ‘for pros’ ;}}


Increase its web traffic

What strategy to implement to accelerate traffic and advertising revenue from its site, enough long term? Membership practices of natural positioning : here are a few tips to improve the performance of its site on two fundamental aspects.


Augmenter trafic site internet

Increase organic traffic to your site

Property reference his site on the search engines is essential for a monetization strategy in the long term:


  1. Increase traffic to his site via the game’s natural for new leads and increase positioning the conversion of advertisements (ex: ad clicks AdSense),
  2. Increase revenues related to impressions (pages keys).

Position the most profitable web pages on Google/Bing

Work positioning of the most profitable pages of its site in the first pages of results is another tactical positioning « pay » in the long term for this, we must for example:

  • Select the right keywords for their web pages the better monetized. They will be used in the URL in the title of the page, the HTML tags in the text (according to the density of the keywords) in the tags, etc.
  • Use a service like the keywords from Google and Ubersuggest generator to test effective keywords
  • Use the positioning optimization modules in content management systems
  • Update the most important pages by adding content regularly
  • Collect links (backlinks) pointing to these pages back with some good practices in order to avoid positioning penalties related to the spamdexing: choose the referring sources varied, preferably good PageRank (negotiate with influential blogs, but not only), vary its anchors of links, avoid the reciprocal links exchange.

Increase referring traffic to its site to the means of social networks

Increase the traffic refer to his site using social networks allows to immediate traffic to its Web site: this technique helps to increase the number of unique visitors, number of pages views and to a certain extent, helps with the positioning of its pages on Google.

Social networks to use:

  • Facebook, Google, Twitter: provide a presence and regularly animate these accounts and pages by posting of the varied and engaging content.
  • LinkedIn, Viadeo, Twitter and Google Plus (the last two with in addition the corporate domain-oriented): priority for blogs talking about relevant news for professionals.
  • YouTube, Vimeo, Pinterest, Tumblr, Vine, Instagram: these social networks offer to relay the picture productions and video of a site, and promotes viral traffic. They are so interesting if monetize you your videos.


Positioning in the organic results

The positioning of a resource (and therefore its visibility) in the results organic is the result of a content that meets looking for someone and is considered by his party as a reference on his specialty.

Therefore: identify that seek Internet users and the keywords they use, adapt its editorial to the lexicon used by Internet users and thus to set the content of a website or blog according to users needs/research and write intelligently the URL of that content, to efficiently transfer (HTTP) and properly format (HTML) information.

The visibility of a document will be so natural and depends directly on the provided content. Indeed, quality content is often referenced by other sites: content, popular due or considered the reference in its sector, will be well positioned as such (for example the reference will always be in the first position) in the organic results.

A few criteria for positioning of a web page on a given expression

There are many hundreds of parameters used by the algorithms of positioning, here is a list of the most important commonly accepted:

The popularity of the page, the relevance of the binding section, the text of incoming links, the relevance of the page, page confidence index, the seniority of the portal, the authority of the name of area, PR (Page Rank) of the page, presence in local directories

All these criteria are there to provide in-fine the Internet user to pages relevant and particularly taken on the subject.

The recursive aspect of algorithms on many major criteria such as popularity or the confidence index makes it difficult to all results manipulations.

It is to further clarify that the current priority is to fight spam, the algorithm shall therefore ensure that the popularity of positioned article was acquired in a natural way.

Thus, a web site at the same time contracting an inordinate variety of link will be sanctioned by the algorithm.

The different levers of traffic for a web site

In this article, I propose you to discover traffic levers that are at your service to give you the opportunity to develop the number of visitors on your portal. It is certainly the first resource of your blog. No traffic, no visitors, and so… no wages. I therefore present to you to discover what are the 6 traffic levers that you can apply on your portal. Continuer la lecture de The different levers of traffic for a web site

Increase organic traffic to a website easily

It would seem that on the Internet the only SEO tips boil down to this: cause content that is worth to beshared, content that is worth being favorite to go back. So people create without thinking about links toyour site… Now, this is not more inconvenient than it… The problem is that whole field say that, and that there are very few case studies proposed on the Internet. Over several analyses that exist relate to large websites that have invested a lot of tens, or even hundreds of thousands of euros in content creation. What happens when a ‘regular’ website attempts to stand out on the search engines?

For these reasons, I will now explain how to increase organic traffic from 10 to 5000 visits per week in 5 weeks. Any domain can realize such. When starting a website and there is a more or less for reference points, there is a little anxious and we wonder if we do well our work. This text will therefore bring yousome points of reference with regard to the results that expect you when you decide to carry out advertising content.

The strategies I’ll share with you are : how to write texts that your audience (and search engines) love, how to adopt social media to boost its on-page SEO, SEO is not dead, how to optimize his page for nice engines robots and finally I will present my best technique to find what are the 100 links to appear on the first page with any key word! So, are you ready to know the strategies that will double the organic traffic to your website without much effort?
Continuer la lecture de Increase organic traffic to a website easily

The indicator « direct traffic » and its possible misinterpretation

What is direct traffic

Following our article on the various sources of traffic: Let’s now more address in any detail the indicator of visits from direct traffic that normally excludes users who have gone through third party websites (links referents), or who have found your site after having conducted research in engines, and then clicked on the organic (SEO) links or sponsored (SEA). In other words: this flag should normally indicate the number of visits for which users perform one of these actions:

  • The user typed the site address in his browser
  • The user has clicked on a bookmark of favorite pointing to your site
  • The user has clicked on a thumbnail of your site in his browser (similar to Favorites)
  • The user typed a word on its browser that returned your site address via the auto-suggest

The volume of visits via direct access is an indicator of awareness to your site. In general, it may affect direct traffic by promoting its site for offline (TV, radio, flyers, catalogs paper…) and channels via some online levers which have an impact on the reputation of the trade mark (display, buzz on social media).
Continuer la lecture de The indicator « direct traffic » and its possible misinterpretation

The XitiO agency : experts in organic traffic

The Agency XitiO is a french organization specialized in communication on the internet and the generation of organic traffic. Our Organization, established in 2014, is designed to optimize your visibility on the internet. Organic Trafic, SEO, webmarketing, digital identity management and web project management strategy are our fields of knowledge.
Continuer la lecture de The XitiO agency : experts in organic traffic

Continuously increase your qualified traffic

SEO (or organic SEO) is a real strategic asset that increases sustainable traffic qualified on your weblog. Through the work that touches upon an effective organic SEO strategy, we put your blog in the first results of research with effective keywords for your business.

Our approach is used to determine the keywords most effective to bridge the gap between your deal and the requires actual of your target audience. We will thus be able to formulate recommendations for optimization ‘onsite’ and ‘offsite’ of your Web properties. It is a proven fact, the algorithms of the search engines give great importance to these two criteria.
Continuer la lecture de Continuously increase your qualified traffic